It may still be "summer" according to the calendars, but here on Dressel Farms we've officially announced that summer is OVER.
That's right, Autumn begins in August this year. Remember that mild winter and hot spring we had? Well those anomalies have made everything ripen almost 2 weeks early this year. We had strawberries in May for the first time ever, and now we're already picking McIntosh and it's not even September yet!
Pick-Your-Own will begin this Saturday, September 1st. Only the earliest varieties will be ready, though. These include McIntosh and Gala. You'll also find some Cortlands and maybe some Macouns, thanks to that early ripening. Honeycrisp are ready, however the young PYO trees will undoubtedly be picked over within hours of the first day. Not to fret, though! We have plenty of Honeycrisp available at the roadstand.
We will press our first batch of fresh apple cider this weekend as well. The cider will be available at the roadstand beginning on Saturday. This also means we can begin making DONUTS! That's right, the undeniably delectable Apple Cider Donuts that everyone knows and loves will be hot and fresh this weekend and every day following throughout the fall.
If you don't already, I highly suggest you follow us on facebook ( to get up-to-the-minute updates about everything going on around the farm.